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Create Your First Component

This tutorial will show you how to create a component from scratch. We will start with a minimalistic component and then we will add more features to it.

Component is the minimal deployment unit that hubctl can manage. Good component should have few properties:

  • Idenmpotent - component with the same parameters can be deployed with the same result multiple times. If component has been deployed, then it can be deployed again without any side effects.
  • Generic - good component reusable this means generic enough. hub-component.yaml provides such abstraction. Then specific configuration will be defined via hub.yaml or parameters.yaml file on the stack level.

Stack consists of one or multiple components. Good stack defines

  • Components definition and deployment order
  • Parameters that are passed to the components from environment
  • Parameters that are passed between components
  • Optional deployment hooks that can be used to execute custom logic before or after deployment of the component or a stack

Component structure

Each component knows how to deploy itself and export facts about deployment configuration in the well-known form of parameters. So other component would use this as an input.

Hub component contains the following:

  1. hub-component.yaml - file with input and output parameters
  2. deploy and undeploy provisioning scripts. This however optional if component is using well known deployment tool such as terraform, helm or kustomize.

In the nutshell - parameters defined in hub-component.yaml abstracts user from concrete provisioning technology and allows maintainer of the component improve or even change provisioning technology without breaking compatibility with the other components.

Deploy a minimalistic component

  1. Create a new directory components/hello-shell
  2. Create a file components/hello-shell/hub-component.yaml and add minimalistic content
kind: component
version: 1
- name: hub.componentName
  1. Create a file and add execution rights to it. Here is an example
cat << EOF > `components/hello-shell/`
echo "Component $COMPONENT_NAME deployed successfully!"
chmod +x `components/hello-shell/`
  1. Create deployment reverse script:
cat << EOF > `components/hello-shell/`
echo "Component: $COMPONENT_NAME has been successfully undeployed"
chmod +x `components/hello-shell/`
  1. Add a component reference to Hubfile (hub.yaml)
kind: stack
version: 1
- name: hello-shell
    dir: components/hello-shell
  1. And we are ready to deploy
hubctl stack init -f `hub.yaml`
hubctl stack deploy

Add a parameter

  1. Add new parameter to the components/hello-shell/hub-component.yaml
kind: component
version: 1
- name: hub.componentName
- name: message
  value: foo
  env: MESSAGE
  1. Modify components/hello-shell/ script. You should get something like
echo "Component $COMPONENT_NAME is saying: $MESSAGE"
echo "Component $COMPONENT_NAME deployed successfully!"
  1. Add parameters to the hubfile (hub.yaml) to include parameter
kind: stack
version: 1
  name: My first deployment
- name: my-first-component
    dir: components/hello-shell
- name: message
  value: bar
  1. Run a deployment
hubctl stack deploy
# Component my-first-component is saying: bar
# Component my-first-component deployed successfully!

Add a second component and override the parameter

Modify a hubfile so it would look as the following:

kind: stack
version: 1
  name: My first deployment
- name: my-first-component
    dir: components/hello-shell
- name: my-second-component
    dir: components/hello-shell
- name: message
  value: bar
- name: message
  component: my-second-component
  value: baz
  1. Run deployment
hubctl stack deploy
# Component my-first-component is saying: bar
# Component my-first-component deployed successfully!
# Component my-second-component is saying: baz
# Component my-second-component deployed successfully!

Add a template to the component

  1. Add a file that would look like the following
cat << EOF > `components/hello-shell/message.txt.template`
The cryptic message says: ${message}
  1. Update components/hello-shell/hub-component.yaml so it would look like:
kind: component
version: 1
- name: hub.componentName
- name: message
  value: foo
  env: MESSAGE
  - "*.template"
  1. Modify components/hello-shell/ so it would look like the following
echo "Component $COMPONENT_NAME is saying: $MESSAGE"
# here we interact with template file... it has been already rendered
cat "message.txt"

echo "Component $COMPONENT_NAME deployed successfully!"
  1. Deploy the stack
hubctl stack deploy
# Component my-first-component is saying: bar
# The cryptic message says: bar
# Component my-first-component deployed successfully!
# Component my-second-component is saying: baz
# The cryptic message says: baz
# Component my-second-component deployed successfully!

Technology specific components

This article is not a reference guide, we do skip many things... Now we will jump into the more advanced topics. Until then we were writing a sudo component using a free form. Now we will use arguably oppinionated deployment steps however, you don't required to write your own deployment script

At present we support following technologies

Last update: May 17, 2023