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Terraform Component

Terraform is a popular infrastruture as code technology often used to deploy cloud resources. We do provide our own opinionated way how to deploy Terraform. In this case you can follow simple conventions and you don't require to write a deployment scripts

Component Conventions

If component follows the conventions below, then hubctl will know how to deploy it.

Minimalistic terraform component will look like this:

Hubctl will automatically detect Terraform code when component contains one or more *.tf files.

├── hub-component.yaml  # component manifest
└──             # terraform code


Terraform variables can be supplied in two ways:

  1. Terraform variables can be defined by component parameter and exported as TF_VAR_* environment variable (recommended way)
  2. Terraform variables can be defined in *.tfvars or *.tfvars.template file


As every script, helm deployment scripts has been controlled via set off well-known environment variables. These variables should be defined in parameters section of hub-component.yaml. List of expected environment variables

Variable Description Required Passed from .env
COMPONENT_NAME Corresponds to parameter hub.componentName parameter, however can be overriden in hub-component.yaml. Hub will use this variable as a helm release name x
HUB_DOMAIN_NAME FQDN of a stack. We use this parameter as a natural id of the deployment x x
HUB_CLOUD_PROVIDER Tells hubctl to use different backends for terraform. We currently support: aws, azure or gcp x x
HUB_STATE_BUCKET Object storage bucket to be be used for terraform state x x
HUB_STATE_REGION Region for terraform state bucket x x

There are additional environment variables, depends on your cloud type

AWS specific variables

These variables has been set during hubctl stack configure state and defined in .env file. You don't have to refer it for your component, however you can overwrite.

Variable Description Required
AWS_PROFILE AWS name of the profile. Referenced from .env file. However you can override it in hub-component.yaml file x

Azure specific variables

These variables has been set during hubctl stack configure state and defined in .env file. These are the minimum viable variables expected by our terraform deploymenet script

Variable Description Required
ARM_CLIENT_ID The client(application) ID of an App Registration in the tenant
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET A client secret that was generated for the App Registration
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Access an Azure subscription value from within a Terraform script

Full list of environment variables for azure can be found here

GCP specific variables

Variable Description Required
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS Default applicaiton credentials (ADC) see details here
GOOGLE_PROJECT For to refer google project ID. See details here

Full reference of supported variables available here

Deployment hooks

User can define pre and post deployment

  • pre-deploy to trigger action before helm install
  • post-deploy to trigter action after successful helm install
  • pre-undeploy to trigger action before helm delete
  • post-undeploy to trigger action after helm successful delete
  • import a special script that to import existing resources into Terraform state.

Note: import maybe a necessary step to allow manage non-idempotent resources such as AWS S3 bucket. Before running terraform deployment that will fail you may want to import bucket if it already exists. Note: deployment hooks should have execution rights

See also

Last update: April 26, 2023