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ARM Deployment Template

ARM templates are used to deploy resources to Azure. They are written in JSON and can be used to deploy a single resource or a set of resources. They can be used to deploy resources to a new resource group or to an existing resource group. They can be used to deploy resources to a new subscription or to an existing subscription.

Hubctl can deploy ARM templates as a component. Hubctl will use the Azure CLI to deploy the ARM template.

ARM Conventions

To enable hubctl to recognize component as an ARM deployment component, User should add arm requirements to hub-component.yaml file:

- azure
- arm

Input parameters

There are number of well-known parameters that can be used to configure ARM deployment. These parameters are defined in hub-component.yaml file. Today there is no strict convention for parameter names. User is free to choose any parameter name they like, however these parameters should be bound to the specific environment variables.

Variable Description Required Passed from .env
ARM_TEMPLATE Local file or URI to the ARM Deployment Template. If not set then hubctl will try to find deployment template by schema in component directory
ARM_DEPLOYMENT_NAME Name associated to the ARM Deployment. If not set then name of the component will be used
ARM_PARAMETER_FILES Space separated list to ARM Deployment Parameter files. If file cannot be found it will be ignored
ARM_PARAMETER_paramName Hubctl will read all environment variables prefixed with ARM_PARAMETERS_ to set ARM deployment parameters. In this example hubctl will set a parameter parameterName with the value of environment variable ARN_PARAMETER_paramName
ARM_PARAM_paramName Same as ARM_PARAMETER_paramName
AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME Name of the target resource group. If not set then resource group defined during hub stack configure -r "azure" will be used

Note: ARM_PARAMETER_ and ARM_PARAM_ are aliases for the same parameter. User can use either one of them. These environment variables works similar to well known Terraform variables TF_VAR_.

Deployment Hooks

  • pre-deploy to trigger action before ARM Deployment template will be created
  • post-deploy to trigger action after ARM Deployment template will be created
  • pre-undeploy to trigger action before ARM Deployment template will be deleted
  • post-undeploy to trigger action before ARM Deployment template will be deleted

Note: pre and post deployment scripts should have execution rights

See also

Last update: August 30, 2023