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Amazon Web Services

In order to deploy Hubctl components using AWS, you'll need to meet the following prerequisites:

  • AWS account
  • AWS Profile with S3 Read/Write access, if hubctl deployment state is preferred to be stored remotely
  • AWS Profile with Route53 Read/Write access, if domain name registration is required


Table below lists all the parameters and environment variables that can be used to configure.

Environment Variable Description
HUB_DOMAIN_NAME Domain name of the stack.
HUB_STACK_NAME Name of the stack. Prefix part of dns.domain
AWS_REGION AWS Region, default us-east-1

Hubctl steps

In order to use AWS configuring scripts, in hub.yaml at extensions defining of steps is required.

    - aws
    - aws

Hubctl init

Hubctl aws init checks if AWS profile configured. Defines AWS profile and region for stack.

Hubctl can init stack from existing state file stored in some https or S3 endpoint.

hubctl stack init s3://<aws-account-id>

See more about init

Hubctl configure

hubctl stack configure works with parameters listed in table below

Configure parameters Environment Variable Description
--aws-region AWS_REGION AWS Region (defaults to value from: AWS_REGION)
--domain-name HUB_DOMAIN_NAME Custom DNS domain name under existing base domain
--base-domain-aws-profile HUB_BASE_DOMAIN_AWS_PROFILE AWS Profile for base domain (in case base domain hosted zone is located in another AWS account)
--bubbles-secret-key HUB_DOMAIN_SECRET DNS manager secret
--dns-update DNS_ACTION Action request to DNS manager
--prefer-local PREFER_LOCAL_STATE Save deployment state locally only
--output DOT_ENV Environment variables file
--dry-run DRY_RUN Do not deploy cloud resources, show what will happen
HUB_STATE_BUCKET Name of the bucket for hub state store
ZONE_ID AWS zone for configured domain
HUB_CLOUD_PROVIDER Tells hubctl to use different backends for terraform. Here will be set: aws

Configuring uses AWS profile and region that were defined at init phase\ If the HUB_STATE_BUCKET variable is not defined, S3 bucket with name the AWS account ID and suffix will be created. In case local storing preference isn't true, hubctl state will be located in that S3 bucket.

For DNS accessibility configures Route53 by checking for the presence of the hosted zone specified in HUB_DOMAIN_NAME. If it is not found, by default deploys it using Bubbles DNS manager. This web service able to provide ephemeral environments for temporary usage. Otherwise, if DNS_MANAGER is "user", checks for the presence of the parent domain and its hosted zone. If the parent hosted zone is found, updates the nameservers for the child domain. If neither the parent nor the child hosted zone is found, exits with an error message.

See more on how to configure DNS Bubbles in the DNS Bubbles configuration.

See more about configure

Last update: September 11, 2023