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Command: hubctl stack configure

Reads configuration information in one or multiple hubfiles referenced by the command hubctl stack init and applies configuration before the stack deployment.

When hubfile will require parameter supplied bia environment variable (fromEnv) ,for instance passwords or access credentials, then this command will save value for this variable in .env file. You can change this value later by modifying .env file.

Upon completion of configure command execution will ensure that all stack input parameters has been defined.

Configuration requirements

Input parameters can be supplied by various scripts. Which exactly and it's order has been defined in hubfile via requirements

  - env
  - gcp

List of supported requirements for configuration

Requirement Description
gcp Configures stack for deployment to GCP. Will bootstrap a DNS zone (optionally relying to bubble dns service) and a GCS bucket to store state
aws Configures stack for deployment to AWS. Will bootstrap a Route53 zone (optionally relying to bubble dns service) and a S3 bucket to store state. This will make sure that credentials has been reachable for the deployment
azure Similar to aws and gcp will configure stack for Microsoft Azure Cloud deployment
env Ensures that all environment variables (fromEnv) has been defined by the user
kubernetes Reserved when user already have got a running Kubernetes cluster. This requirement may conflict if stack will actually deploy a new cluster. This requirement will ensure that kubernetes credentials stored in kubeconfig has been reachable by the kubeconfig by creating py of just one kube-context in .hub/env directory
components DEPRECATED. Functionality of this requirement has been moved to hubctl stack init command
backup Activate backup/restore functionality for the stack (note that at least one component should accept verb backup)

Command Parameters

These parameters applies across all extension commands. If hubfile contains additional requirements then there may be additional command parameters

Common parameters

Flag Description Required
-r --requirement <arg> Specific one or multiple (this parameter can repeat) requirements to apply for reconfiguration. If no requirements provided, then this means all requirements as specified in hubfile
--profile <arg> Set specific deployment profile
-V --verbose extra verbosity for diagnostics
-h --help print help and usage message

Google Cloud Platform

Flags specific to gcp parameters

Flag Description Required
--gcp-project-id <arg> Override project id in .env file
--gcs-bucket-name <arg> Override GCS bucket name (defaults to: gs://<project_id>-superhub)
--domain-name <arg> Instructs to use a specific domain name (otherwise will be autogenerated by bubble DNS service)

Amazon Web Services

Flags specific to aws parameters

Flag Description Required
--aws-region <arg> Use specific AWS region (otherwise default from AWS profile will be used)
--aws-profile <arg> Use specific AWS profile (otherwise current or default profile will be used)
--aws-profile <arg> Use specific AWS profile (otherwise current or default profile will be used)
--domain-name <arg> Instructs to use a specific domain name (otherwise will be autogenerated by bubble DNS service)
--base-domain-aws-profile <arg> To address case when parent hosted zone managed in different AWS account
--prefer-local Instructs not to use hubctl state in S3 bucket
--dns-update Instructs bubble DNS service to update TTL on existing DNS record (instead of requesting new random record)
--bubbles-secret-key <arg> User provides bubble dns secret that will proof his ownership on stack. Otherwise value from .env file will be used

Microsoft Azure Cloud

Flags specific to azure parameters

Flag Description Required
--azure-region <arg> Use specific Azure region (otherwise default from AWS profile will be used)
--azure-resource-group <arg> Azure Resource Group (defaults to value from: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, AZURE_DEFAULTS_GROUP environment variables)
--azure-subscription <arg> Azure Resource Group (defaults to value from: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)
--base-domain-resource-group <arg> and --base-domain-subscription <arg> To address case when parent hosted zone managed in different AWS account
--prefer-local Instructs not to use hubctl state in S3 bucket
--dns-update Instructs bubble DNS service to update TTL on existing DNS record (instead of requesting new random record)
--bubbles-secret-key <arg> User provides bubble dns secret that will proof his ownership on stack. Otherwise value from .env file will be used

Environment Variables

Flags specific to env parameters

Flag Description Required
-f --file <arg> Ask for variables from only specific hubfiles (defaults to HUB_FILES variable in .env file, can repeat multiple time)
--defaults Instructs not to confirm user input for environment variables (reserved for non-interactive usage, such as CI server)


Flags specific to kubernetes parameters

Flag Description Required
--kubeconfig <arg> Path to kubeconfig. Otherwise KUBECONFIG environment variable will be used.
--kubecontext <arg> Use specific context inside kubeconfig. Otherwise current will be used
--current-kubecontext or --kubecontext _ Explicitly says to use current kube-context

Note: If you want to run configure from the pod (inside kubernetes). This extension configure stack to rely on service account of the pod

Components (deprecated)

Please use new command: hubctl stack init instead

Flag Description Required
-f --file <arg> Instructs to use specific hubfiles (defaults to HUB_FILES variable in .env file, can repeat multiple time)
-c --component <arg> Ask to download a specific component only (can repeat multiple times, defaults to all components defined in hubfiles)
--override Write over files if component already exists

Note: If you want to run configure from the pod (inside kubernetes). This extension configure stack to rely on service account of the pod

DYI Configuration

Can I build my own configuration script for my custom case? Or override behavior of existing one? Yes just follow couple of simple steps

  1. Create file: <working-dir>/.hub/<requirement>/configure and add execution rights
  2. Write your script using: shell (preferably), bash or general purpose language of your choice.
  3. Add reference to the hub.yaml
# example
mkdir -p ".hub/mysuperextension"
touch ".hub/mysuperextension/configure"
chmod +x ".hub/mysuperextension/configure"

then feel free to add reference that looks like the following to the hub.yaml

  - mysuperextension

Usage Example

Configure stack before deployment

hubctl stack configure

Reload GCP configuration, and refresh TTL for bubble DNS service

hubctl stack configure -r "gcp"

Configure refresh kubeconfig for kubernetes cluster (if access rotated)

hubctl stack configure -r "kubernetes"

See also

Last update: August 30, 2023