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Create Amazon S3 component with Terraform

This tutorial shows you how to create an Amazon S3 bucket hubctl component using Terraform.

In This Tutorial

The tutorial covers the following topics:

  • How to configure the simple Amazon S3 hubctl component
  • How to configure Terraform for this AWS component
  • How to deploy the stack with Amazon S3 components using Terraform


At the first, let's understand what is the minimum configuration for Amazon S3 component with Terraform.

├── components                           # Directory with components
│    └── s3-bucket                       # Directory with configurations
│        ├── hub-component.yaml          # Component manifest
│        ├── import                      # Special script that to import existing resources into Terraform state
│        └──                     # Terraform code
└── hub.yaml                             # Stack manifest
Read more about Terraform Component here

  • A specific configuration defining a stack manifest in hub.yaml is the first thing needed. Such a file describes the components and options for deployment.
kind: stack                                               # mandatory, defines a stack manifest
version: 1                                                # stack manifest schema version

requires:                                                 # optional, list of environment requirements
  - aws

components:                                               # mandatory, list of components
  - name: my-awshubctl-component                          # mandatory, name of the component
    source:                                               # mandatory, component source
      dir: components/s3-bucket                           # mandatory, local path where to find component

  init:                                                   # optional, steps activated during `hubctl stack init`
    - aws
  configure:                                              # optional, steps activated during `hubctl stack configure`
    - aws
    - env
  deploy:                                                 # optional, steps activated during `hubctl stack deploy
    before:                                               # optional, steps activated on `hubctl stack deploy` but before actual deployment of components
    - aws
  undeploy:                                               # optional, steps activated during `hubctl stack undeploy
    after:                                                # optional, steps activated on `hubctl stack undeploy` but after actual undeploy of components
    - aws

hub.yaml file has components field where you describe your components.

  • You will also need hub-component.yaml, this is a reusable component, it is generic and provides an abstraction with dependencies needed for deployment.

kind: component                                     # mandatory, defines a component manifest
version: 1                                          # mandatory, manifest schema version

  - aws
  - terraform

  - name: hub.stackName                              # parameter of the stack name
    fromEnv: HUB_STACK_NAME                          # environment variable HUB_STACK_NAME is a name of the stack. It is an unique stack identifier
  - name:                                # parameter of the bucket name
    value: "${hub.stackName}"                        # value for the S3 bucket name parameter from hub stack name. This name must be unique for S3
    env: TF_VAR_name                                 # TF_VAR_* environment variable (recommended way), mapping to environment variable for use deployment script
  - name: bucket.acl                                 # parameter of the Access control list (ACL) of the bucket
    value: "private"                                 # default value is private
    env: TF_VAR_acl                                  # Terraform environment variable for the acl
  - name: cloud.region                               # parameter of the AWS region
    value: "eu-central-1"                            # default value is region
    fromEnv: AWS_REGION                              # environment variable AWS_REGION. It is an unique stack identifier
  - name: cloud.profile                              # parameter of the specific AWS profile
    value: "default"                                 # the default profile name is default
    fromEnv: AWS_PROFILE                             # environment variable AWS_PROFILE. It is an unique stack identifier
  - name: bucket.region                              # parameter of the AWS bucket region
    value:  ${cloud.region}                          # value for the S3 bucket regin parameter from the cloud region
    env: TF_VAR_bucket_region                        # Terraform environment variable for the bucket region
  - name: aws.serviceAccount                         # parameter of the service account
    env: TF_VAR_service_account_name                 # Terraform environment variable of the service account name
    empty: allow

  - name: bucket.kind
    value: s3
  - name: bucket.region
    value: ${cloud.region}
    brief: Amazon S3 bucket region
You can provide Terraform variables in two ways. Read more about it here

Hubctl will automatically detect Terraform code when component contains one or more *.tf files. Terraform configuration with main.rf file:

# Create a name variable
variable "name" {
  type = string

# Create a service_account_name variable
variable "service_account_name" {
  type    = string
  default = ""

# Create a acl variable
variable "acl" {
  type = string
  description = "S3 bucket ACL"

# Create a region variable
variable "bucket_region" {
  type = string
  description = "s3 bucket region"

# Configure private bucket with versioning enabled, tags and website
module "s3_bucket" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"

  bucket =
  acl    = var.acl

  control_object_ownership = true
  object_ownership         = "ObjectWriter"

  website = {
    index_document = "index.html"
    error_document = "error.html"

  versioning = {
    enabled = false

  tags = {
    Name        = "Hubctl bucket"
    Environment = "Dev"

The import file is a necessary step to allow manage resources such as AWS S3 bucket. It is a special script that to import existing resources into Terraform state.

#!/bin/sh -e
# shellcheck disable=SC2154

if gsutil -q ls -b "gs://$TF_VAR_name" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
  terraform import 'aws_storage_bucket._' "$TF_VAR_name" || true

Deploy Stack with Amazon S3 Component

You are now ready to run a deployment from the directory where hub.yaml is located. The following commands are used for this:

  • hubctl stack init - this command initializes the working directory with the hub.yaml file.

    hubctl stack init

  • hubctl stack configure - stack configuration before deployment

    hubctl stack configure

  • hubctl stack deploy - Runs a deployment for the entire stack, or updates the deployment of one or more components.

    hubctl stack deploy

As a result, you could see the Amazon S3 bucket with the following command:

aws s3 ls

Add Terraform Outputs

Create a file called in your components/s3-bucket directory. Add the configuration below to to define outputs for your S3 bucket's ID, Region, Website Endpoint and Website Domain .

output "s3_bucket_name" {
  value       = module.s3_bucket.s3_bucket_id
  description = "The name of the bucket."

output "s3_bucket_region" {
  value       = module.s3_bucket.s3_bucket_region
  description = "The AWS region this bucket resides in."

output "s3_bucket_website_endpoint" {
  value       = module.s3_bucket.s3_bucket_website_endpoint
  description = "The website endpoint, if the bucket is configured with a website. If not, this will be an empty string."

output "s3_bucket_website_domain" {
  value       = module.s3_bucket.s3_bucket_website_domain
  description = "Name of the website bucket"
- Inspect output values Terraform stores output values in the configuration's state file. In order to see these outputs, you need to update the state by applying this new configuration, even though the infrastructure will not change. Deploy your infrastructure with following commands:
hubctl stack configure
hubctl stack deploy

Notice the output after the apply:


# s3_bucket_name = "unique-bucket-name"
# s3_bucket_region = "eu-central-1"
# s3_bucket_website_domain = ""
# s3_bucket_website_endpoint = ""

You can destroy your infrastructure with following commands:

hubctl stack undeploy


In this tutorial, you create the simple Amazon S3 bucket hubctl. Use Terraform to configure this AWS component.

See also

Last update: August 30, 2023