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First Deployment

This tutorial will show you how hubctl works with a simple example. We will simply initialize and deploy hubctl with one pre-configured component.


At the first, let's understand what is the minimum configuration for hubctl.

├── components                           # Directory with components
│    └── hello-hubctl                    # Directory with configurations
│        ├── hub-component.yaml          # Component manifest
│        ├──                   # Shell script to deploy the component
│        └──                 # Shell script to undeploy the component
└── hub.yaml                             # Stack manifest
- A specific configuration defining a stack manifest in hub.yaml is the first thing needed. Such a file describes the components and options for deployment.

kind: stack                                                                   # mandatory, defines a stack manifest
version: 1                                                                    # stack manifest schema version
meta:                                                                         # optional
  name: My first deployment                                                   # optional human readable name

components:                                                                   # mandatory, list of components
  - name: hello-hubctl                                                        # mandatory, name of the component
    source:                                                                   # mandatory, component source
      dir: components/hello-hubctl                                            # mandatory, local path where to find component
      git:                                                                    # optional, git source to download component from
        remote:                         # mandatory, git repository remote url
        subDir: docs/tutorials/010-hubctl-stack-init/components/hello-hubctl  # mandatory, subdirectory in the repository
        ref: main                                                             # optional, git reference (branch, tag, commit)

hub.yaml file has components field where you describe your components.

  • You will also need hub-component.yaml, this is a reusable component, it is generic and provides an abstraction with dependencies needed for deployment.
kind: component                                     # mandatory, defines a component manifest
version: 1                                          # mandatory, manifest schema version

  - name: message                                   # mandatory, parameter name
    value: foo                                      # optional, value for parameter
    env: MESSAGE                                    # optional, mapping to environment variable for use deployment script

hub-component.yaml contains the parameters field for your configuration.

Parameters are used to configure stack and components in both stack manifest hub.yaml and component manifest hub-component.yaml.

If you are deploying using shell scripts, you need to create the expected scripts in the component folder:

#!/bin/sh -e

echo "Component $HUB_COMPONENT is saying: $MESSAGE"
echo "Component $HUB_COMPONENT deployed successfully!"


#!/bin/sh -e

echo "Component $HUB_COMPONENT undeployed successfully!"

Make sure the, are executable chmod +x, chmod +x Read more details here.

So, if you have a ready-made configuration with customized components, how can you launch them? The following commands are used for this:

  • hubctl stack init - this command initializes the working directory with the hub.yaml file.
  • hubctl stack configure - stack configuration before deployment
  • hubctl stack deploy - Runs a deployment for the entire stack, or updates the deployment of one or more components.


Now let's try to run simple example with a ready-made configuration that contains one component.

Before you start you need initialize your stack. Download the minimal component from github to a your local directory and run the following command:

hubctl stack init

or without download folders you can initialize the following command

hubctl stack init -f ""

Read more about hubctl stack init here

Update configuration

This step is to update your configuration with the following command:

hubctl stack configure


The next step is to run the deployment using the following command:

hubctl stack deploy

Read more about the command hubctl stack deploy here

If you did everything correctly, the deployment worked without errors, then the command returns the name of the component that was deployed.

## --- File:
# Component hello-hubctl is saying: foo
# Component hello-hubctl deployed successfully!

This command returns the name of the component hello-hubctl and the parameter with the value of the message foo.


You can also run undeploy with the following command:

hubctl stack undeploy

Read more about the command hubctl stack undeploy here

The command returns the name of the component hello-hubctl that was undeploy.

## --- File:
# Component hello-hubctl undeployed successfully!


Using a simple example with a ready-made configuration for the hub.yaml and hub-component.yaml files, you learned what the minimum configuration for hubctl consists of, as well as how hubctl can be used. Go ahead.

What's Next?

You can change the hubctl config and deploy it with your parameters. Next, you will look at how to do this. Go to the next tutorial

Last update: August 30, 2023