Getting Started
Got hubctl installed? Great! Now let's get started with a quick tutorial.
Deployment Basics
These tutorials describes how to use hubctl to deploy a stack and manage its configuration. These tutorials are deploying a simple shell
Your First Deployment
Let's start with first deployment. We'll deploy a stack with one "hello, world" component.
Control Multiple Deployments
This tutorial explains how to manage multiple deployment of the same stack with different configurations.
Manage Multiple Deployments
This tutorial explains how to manage multiple deployment with different configuration parameters.
Create Your First Component
Here we learn how to create a first component using most simple component type: shell.
Kubernetes Tutorials
This is a set of tutorials that describes how to use hubctl to deploy a stack on existing Kubernetes cluster.
Create Your First Component
Here we learn how to configure component for deployment on Kubernetes.
Terraform Tutorials
This guide will help you set up a component to create an Amazon S3 bucket using Terraform.