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Section templates

  kind: curly                         # mandatory, mustache go
  directories:                        # optional, list of directories to search for templates
  - config                            # example of directory name
  files:                              # mandatory, list of template files, supports globs
  - "*.template"                      # example of template files in current component directory
  extra:                              # optional, to support multiple template kinds
  - kind: mustache                    # optional, additional template kind
    files:                            # mandatory, list of template files, supports globs
    - terraform/*.tfvars.template     # example of Terraform variable templates in directory `terraform`
  - kind: go                          # example of Go template
    - helm/values*.yaml.gotemplate    # example of Helm values template

Note: either directory or files must be specified

Template Kind

Hubctl supports several kinds of templates

  • curly - String replacement template with format ${param} in the file. This is the default template kind.
  • mustache - String replacement template with format {{param}}
  • go - Go template with format {{.param}}

Kind: curly

A simple syntax where parameter name for substitution is included between curly brackets ${}, ie. ${kubernetes.api.endpoint}.

Substitution may include encoding function ${param/encoding} where encoding is one of: json, yaml, bcrypt, base64. Multiple encodings are supported, processed in the order above: ${dex.passwordDb.password/bcrypt/base64}.

Kind: mustache

Parameter name enclosed in {{}}. Because of conflict with . special meaning in mustache, it must be replaced with _, for example {{component_cert-manager_issuerEmail}}.

Kind: go

Full-featured Golang templates with - in parameter name replaced with _, for example {{.cert_manager.issuerEmail}}.

Note: parameter name starts with . symbol

Sprig Functions are available for use in go templates.

Best practice

  • Use template file extension for curly or mustache templates
  • Use gotemplate file extension for go templates

Before deployment, Hubctl will subtract template file extension and use the rest as a destination file name.

See Also

Last update: May 1, 2023