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Section outputs

To bind input parameters of the pgweb to specific PostgreSQL, use depends:

- name: ingress.hosts                     # mandatory, name of output parameter
  brief: Ingress FQDN                     # optional, propagated to stack level outputs
  value: ${}.${dns.baseDomain}    # optional, either `value` or `fromTfVar` must be defined
  fromTfVar: fqdn                         # optional, either `value` or `fromTfVar` must be defined
  kind: secret/token                      # optional, secret/<kind> is the only supported variation

When more than a single instance of the same component is deployed in the stack - think two PostgreSQL databases, then there is an ambiguity because both components provides same outputs, ie. endpoint and password.

Where brief and kind will be propagated to stack level outputs if component:output syntax is used on hub.yaml level.

Computed Outputs

When you need to output parameters from the deployment script ( Use the following syntax:

cat << EOF

server_uptime = $(uptime)


And then link this with the hub-component.yaml:

- name: message.uptime
  fromTfVar: server_uptime

Hubctl component deployment reads stdout for a specific Terraform like pattern. Once detected, it will capture response.

Outputs from File

To read outputs from a file use the following syntax, where parameter value prefixed with file://. See example below:

- name: message.uptime
  fromFile: file://uptime.txt

See Also

Last update: May 1, 2023