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Shell Component

Shell component is a component that can be deployed using shell scripts. This is the easiest and most flexible way how to deploy a component.

Minimal component structure would look liek the following

├── hub-component.yaml  # component manifest
├──           # shell script to deploy the component
└──         # shell script to undeploy the component


There are no specific variables that are expected to be passed to the shell script.

Scripts expected:

  • - script to deploy the component (mandatory)
  • - script to undeploy the component (mandatory)
  • <verb>.sh - any other script that can be used to perform any other action

You can define additional variables in the hub-component.yaml file.

    - deploy
    - undeploy
    - bar-verb

You can call this verb by running the following command

hubctl stack invoke "foo-component" "bar-verb"

Best practices

Component should always have a script. Good design says the deployment of any component should be revertible (verb: undeploy)

Parametrise your shell scripts via environment variables. You can define environment variables in the hub-component.yaml file.

Parametrsise your configuration via templates.

See Also

Last update: August 30, 2023