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Component is a piece of software that can be deployed and undeployed that actually makes sense. Components could be anything - hubctl is not tied to any particular automation technology the only requirements are:

  • Automation code that hubctl knows how to deploy. This can be as simple as shell script or more advanced such as ARM template or Terraform.
  • hub-component.yaml that describes component requirements, input and output parameters. Parameters can be passed to the automation code via environment variables or via templates.

Optionally component could have:

  • Template - probably way how to inject parameters from hub-componet.yaml to automation. Hubctl supports both string replacement and go-templates.
  • pre-deploy and post-deploy hooks - scripts that will be executed before and after component deployment.

Automation Code

By design hubctl is not tied to any particular automation technology. However we have got prebuilt support for most popular automation tools

Shell Script

Most flexible way and the most simple one. You only need to define a two scripts and pass parameters via environment variables.

  • - script that will be executed during component deployment
  • - script that will reverse deployment. Every component should have undeploy script.

Configuration can be passwd via environment variables defined in hub-component.yaml file. Hubctl will not pass any arguments to the scripts


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Hubctl will automatically detect Helm charts when component contains a values.yaml file.

Last update: April 26, 2023