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This page will show how to install hubctl on your local workstation

There are few ways to install hubctl:

  1. Download binary
  2. Homebrew Formula

Download Binary

To download the latest of hubctl run the following


curl -LJ "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m).tar.gz" |\
  tar xz -C /tmp && sudo mv /tmp/hubctl /usr/local/bin


wget "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m).tar.gz" -O - |\
  tar xz -C /tmp && sudo mv /tmp/hubctl /usr/local/bin

Homebrew Formula

brew tap epam/tap
brew install epam/tap/hubctl


Extensions are the plugins for hubctl. It provides additional functionality to hubctl. To install extensions run:

hubctl extensions install

There are few common tools used across all extensions. Other tools are component specific

Optional dependencies

Some components and extensions requires additional tools to be installed:

  • AWS CLI - for components that requires aws
  • Azure CLI - for component that requires azure
  • Gcloud SDK - for component that requires gcp
  • kubectl - for components that requires kubernetes
  • Terraform - for components that requires terraform
  • Helm - for components that requires helm
  • Kustomize*
  • Node.js - to activate hubctl pull extension
  • Docker CLI - to active hubctl toolbox extension

Special note for Kustomize: by default kustomize has been shipped together with kubectl (kubectl -k ...) However if user has a kustomize installed. Hubctl will use it instead.

What's Next

  • See our Getting Started guide

Last update: August 30, 2023