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Command: hubctl stack undeploy

Reverse deployment operation for entire stack or particular components

Because undeploy is a reverse operation to deploy, you might want to check out article for hubctl stack deploy sections about executors and deployment hooks.

Command Parameters

Flag Description Required
-c --component <component> Start un-deployment for one component or multiple (supplied as comma separated value)
-o --offset <component> Start un-deployment from specific component (handy when you want to restart un-deployment, and want to skip few from the beginning in the run list)
-l --limit <component> Stop un-deployment after desired (opposite to --offset flag)
--profile Choose a specific un-deployment provider (defaults to HUB_PROFILE in .env file)
--tty or --no-tty Instructs if user wants to group outputs per component

Common Parameters

These parameters applies across all extension commands

Flag Description Required
-V --verbose extra verbosity for diagnostics
-h --help print help and usage message

Usage Example

To un-deploy all components in the run-list:

hubctl stack undeploy

To un-deploy specific components with order defined in the run-list

hubctl stack undeploy -c "external-dns,cert-manager"

See also

Last update: August 30, 2023